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List of sources of movement speed

Revision as of 08:22, 17 February 2023 by Torinn (talk | contribs) (added gnome)
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Movement Speed is how far you can move each turn.

Movement Speed can be affected by certain action, races, Class Features, and feats.

  • The Dash Action can double your movement speed.
  • Most races have a base movement speed of 9m / 30ft; Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes have a base movement speed of 8m / 25ft; Wood Elves and Wood Half-Elves have a base movement speed of 11m / 35ft
  • Class Features:
    • Rogues receive the class feature Cunning Action: Dash at Level 2, which can double their movement speed as a bonus action.
    • Barbarians receive the class feature Fast Movement at Level 5, which increases their movement speed by 1.5m / 5ft while not wearing Heavy Armour.
  • The "Mobile" Feat increases character's movement speed by 3m / 10ft.