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Main Page > Consumables

Consumables are items that are used up or consumed when activated. Due to their limited uses, they will be employed when the circumstances require it.


Ammunition are weapon Consumables that use the Throw action or Ranged Weapons to deal damage and cause Surface Effects.

List of Ammunition


Potions are Consumables that offers healing quality or other Effects to player’s characters or NPCs when consumed.

List of Potions


Scrolls are magical Consumables that allow characters to cast Spells without expending Spell Slots. Scrolls can be very useful in situations when you do not have any Spell Slots to cast Spells.

  • You can cast any Spells with the appropriate scroll, even if the spell's level is higher than your highest-level spell slots.

List of Scrolls

Camping Supplies

List of Food and Drinks