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Creatures are all living entities in Baldur's Gate 3. All characters, animals and monsters are creatures.

Creature statistics[edit]

Every creature have assortment of properties that can be inspected by the player at any time.

Race and creature type[edit]

Every creature has a race and a creature type:

Creature type
All creatures are categorised as belonging to a creature type. A creature's type may affect how certain conditions or spells affect them, and may give access to special features.
All creatures have a race that gives them access to specific racial features.
Many creatures also belong to a subrace, which often gives them additional features.

Basic stats[edit]

Every creature has a set of basic statistics:

Hit points
All creatures have hit points (hp) which are reduced when they take damage. When a creature's health points are reduced to 0, the creature becomes Downed Downed.
Armour Class
A creature's Armour Class (AC) determines how difficult it is to hit them with attacks.
A creature's level determines their maximum amount of health points and their proficiency bonus. Characters can also take one class for each level have.
A creature's size determines how much they weigh and how much space they occupy.
Weight determines a creature's mass and plays a significant role when using the Throw or Shove actions.
Movement speed
A resource used to move on a creature's turn.

Ability scores[edit]

See also: Ability scores

Abilities are a measure of a character's physical and mental abilities. Every creature has a set of 6 ability scores, each score corresponding to one of the six abilities. Ability scores gives a creatures a corresponding modifier, which they add to related dice rolls.

Ability checks and skills[edit]

An ability check is d20 roll made when a creature attempts to perform a task involving one of their abilities. Ability checks are often made using a specific skill. If a creature is proficient in a skill, they add their proficiency bonus to any ability checks made using that skill.


See also: Proficiency

Characters have a proficiency bonus, determined by their level, that they may add to any rolls involving tasks they are proficient with. Proficiency also enables a creature to use various equipment.

Creatures usually gain proficiency from their background, class, but features, feats,


See also: Classes

Each time a playable character gains a level, they can take a class. Classes give creatures access to class features and actions. . A creature isn't limited to a single class, and can take levels in multiple classes.[note 1]

Classes can also give access to feats and spell.


See also: Conditions

Conditions are effects, often temporary, that are usually caused by features, actions, spells or the environment. Conditions can be beneficial, neutral or harmful.


See also: Resistance

Creatures sometimes have unique resistances and vulnerabilities, often determined by their race or creature type.


See also: Features

Features give creatures access to actions, conditions and passive effects. Features are usually permanent, and are generally gained from class – in which case they're know as class features – or from race, in which case they're known as racial features.


See also: Feats

Feats gained at various class levels, and give creatures access to special features.


  1. Not available on Explorer mode.