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Lord Portyr's Bodyguard
Lord Portyr's Bodyguard is a half-elf ranger who accompanies his master to the ceremony of ordaining Enver Gortash as an Archduke of Baldur's Gate in Act Three.
Lord Portyr's Bodyguard can be found at the mess hall, at the first floor of the Wyrm's Rock Fortress. He came with his master, Duke Dillard Portyr, and while waiting for his lord to descend from Audience Hall, spends time with retinue members of other patriars.
If spoken to, he will reproach the player for their behavior (or maybe outlook), unstately for an official event. He will also say that his master might return from the ceremony at any moment.
If the player chooses to confront Gortash, they will find Lord Portyr's Bodyguard along with all other invited guests and their retinue slaughtered in the Audience hall.