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This is a transcript of dialogue and zone banter of goblin NPC Skrut in the Shattered Sanctum. He patrols the library near the chasm leading to Minthara's command post.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Skrut: You see that eye wotsit floatin' about? Best hope it don't take a fancy to you... Unless you like playin' hide an' seek when yer tryin' to take a dump.

  • Player: What is it?
    • Skrut: [DROW] Eh? You dunno? Hah! A grunt like the rest of us, eh? It's a floatin' eye, mate. Yer bosses at Moonrise enjoy spyin' on us. Load o' trollop. Jus' don't trust us to do what we do best - killin' things.
      • Dialogue ends.
    • Skrut: It's a floatin' eye, mate. What do you reckon? Bloody spyin' on us. The bigwigs at Moonrise like to 'be involved', the drow says. Load o' trollop. Jus' don't trust us to do what we do best - killin' things.
      • Dialogue ends.
  • Player: It can look all it likes. I've got nothing to hide.
    • Skrut: If that's how you get yer kicks, ain't no business o' mine. But when yer takin' a tinkle, be sure to wave, eh? The bigwigs at Moonrise love a good show.
      • Dialogue ends.
  • Player: [DROW HALF-ELF][note 1] [GITHYANKI] [TIEFLING] [HALF-ORC] [DRAGONBORN] Heh. It's a good thing my kind do not need to defecate.
    • Skrut: What? You must have some plug in ya! Ah, wait. You're some messer. Had me well fooled. But when yer takin' a tinkle, or whatever you lot do with your bits, give it a wave, eh? The bigwigs at Moonrise love a good show.
      • Dialogue ends.

(If spoken to again)

Skrut: I'm fed up with that bloody eye. Peep on someone else, you hear!

Banter[edit | edit source]

(When Zurga goes past in the library)

  • Skrut: Hah! Got an earful, did ya?
  • Zurga: Feck off.

(When Scrying Eye floats past in the library)

  • Skrut: How about I start followin' you, eh? How d'ya like that?

  • Skrut: Get your eye off my arse!

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Despite the dialouge listing the Half-Elf race in general, it currently only works for Drow Half-Elves.