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Prophecies are a mechanic associated with Divination School wizards after unlocking at level 6.
After short resting, wizards with Expert Divination will receive a randomly selected prophecy from the list below for each spent Portent Dice. These prophecies are simple tasks which, when fulfilled, will replenish a spent Portent Die with a new random value. They will be shown as conditions that persist until their conditions are fulfilled or a long rest. Short resting with unfulfilled prophecies will not replace them with new prophecies.
List of prophecies[edit | edit source]
- Deal at least 1Fire to an enemy to regain a Portent Die.
- Deal at least 1Cold to an enemy to regain a Portent Die.
- Deal at least 1Lightning to an enemy to regain a Portent Die.
- Deal at least 1Thunder to an enemy to regain a Portent Die.
- Deal at least 1Force to an enemy to regain a Portent Die.
- Deal at least 1Necrotic to an enemy to regain a Portent Die.
- Deal at least 1Poison to an enemy to regain a Portent Die.
- Deal at least 1Psychic to an enemy to regain a Portent Die.
- Deal at least 1Radiant to an enemy to regain a Portent Die.
- Deal at least 1Acid to an enemy to regain a Portent Die.
- Deal at least 1Bludgeoning to an enemy to regain a Portent Die.
- Deal at least 1Piercing to an enemy to regain a Portent Die.
- Deal at least 1Slashing to an enemy to regain a Portent Die.
- Casting an Abjuration spell will result in a new Portent Die.
- Casting an Conjuration spell will result in a new Portent Die.
- Casting an Divination spell will result in a new Portent Die.
- Casting an Enchantment spell will result in a new Portent Die.
- Casting an Evocation spell will result in a new Portent Die.
- Casting an Illusion spell will result in a new Portent Die.
- Casting an Necromancy spell will result in a new Portent Die.
- Casting an Transmutation spell will result in a new Portent Die.
- Learning from or using a Spell Scroll will result in a new Portent Die.
- When you Portent Die. an ally, you will gain a new
- Dealing the killing blow to an enemy will result in a new a Portent Die after taking a short rest.