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The Archfey

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The Archfey is one of the Subclasses of Warlock. Graced by a lady or lord of the fey, these warlocks are imbued with all the sumptuous and scary qualities of their patron's extraordinary realm.

Subclass features[edit | edit source]

This subclass obtains all the features from its base class, Warlock, in addition to its unique features outlined below.

Level 1

Fey Presence Fey Presence
Charm Charm or Frighten Frighten nearby foes with the feywild's beguiling, disturbing magics.
Recharge: Short rest
Expanded Spell List
1st Level Spells

Level 3

Expanded Spell List
2nd Level Spells

Level 5

Expanded Spell List
3rd Level Spells

Level 6

Misty Escape Misty Escape
Upon taking damage, become Invisible Invisible. On your next turn, you can cast Misty Step Misty Step, though this will break your invisibility.
Recharge: Short rest

Level 7

Expanded Spell List
4th Level Spells

Level 9

Expanded Spell List
5th Level Spells

Level 10

Beguiling Defences Beguiling Defences
You have built stoic barriers in your heart and mind, and cannot be Charmed Charmed.

External links[edit | edit source]