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Swarmkeeper is an upcoming subclass of Ranger. It is planned to be released as part of Patch 8 in 2025. [url 1]

Subclass features[edit | edit source]

Ranger's default armour
Ranger's default armour
This subclass obtains all the features from its base class, Ranger, in addition to its unique features outlined below.

Level 3

Prey's Scent Prey's Scent
Your swarm deals additional damage to creatures marked by Hunter's Mark Hunter's Mark
Gathered Swarm
Choose the swarm of nature spirits you've formed a bond with. You can change your swarm whenever you level up.
Legion of Bees
You gain a swarm of bees that fights on your side. Once per round, the swarm can assist you in one of three ways after you attack an enemy: it can attack and deal additional Damage TypesPiercing damage, push the enemy away from you, or teleport you to a safer location.
Cloud of Jellyfish
You gain a swarm of jellyfish that fights on your side. Once per round, the swarm can assist you in one of three ways after you attack an enemy: it can attack and deal additional Damage TypesLightning damage, Shock Shock your enemy, or teleport you to a safer location.
Flurry of Moths
You gain a swarm of moths that fights on your side. Once per round, the swarm can assist you in one of three ways after you attack an enemy: it can attack and deal additional Damage TypesPsychic damage, Blind Blind your enemy, or teleport you to a safer location.

Level 7

Writhing Tide
You can condense part of your swarm into a focused mass that lifts you up, granting you a flying speed of 3 m / 10 ft and protecting you from surface effects.

Level 11

Mighty Swarm
Your swarm has grown stronger. The swarm's regular attack now deals 1d8 damage, its special attack has one additional feature, and teleporting with your swarm now also increases your Armour Class Armour Class for the rest of the round.

External links[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Larian Studios. Community Update 30.