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Stormshore Tabernacle

Lower City
Elfsong Tavern Stormshore Tabernacle Basilisk Gate Barracks
Stormshore Tabernacle is a Location within the Lower City in Act Three of Baldur's Gate 3. It is found in the northeastern part of the Lower City, near the 'Basilisk Gate' waypoint.


Multiple altars sit in place of statues that hug the walls of the room. The room is built from weathered white stone with ornate pillars and other decorative stone works. Stained glass windows let light in from the back of the tabernacle.


Inside, party members can make offerings to Deities#Helm Helm, Mystra Mystra, Selûne Selûne, Tyr Tyr, or various other deities at the Statue of the Gods, in exchange becoming Anointed in Splendour Anointed in Splendour. The condition persists through resting[1]. Making an adequate donation earns the Inspirational Event Ordinary Practises in Extraodinary Times (Acolyte background).

The adequate donation value is the same as what is needed for raising a merchant's Attitude to 100. At level 1[2]a blessing takes 400 gp, while level 10 requires 4000 gp, and levels 11 and 12 require 4500 gp.[3]

Each character can receive their own blessing, but they must make their own (separate) donations. Once a character makes a sufficient donation to receive a god's blessing, they cannot make donations to other deities.

The Dark Urge can think of Bhaal Bhaal and make an offering of 1000 gp at the Statue of the Gods. However, Bhaal will not respond to an offering as paltry as this - he expects the world, and nothing less. Unlike other offerings, this offering cannot be retrieved from the offering chest in the basement. The Dark Urge may make offerings to other deities as normal, even if they made an offering to Bhaal, though Bhaal will remind them of their duty every time they beseech a blessing from another god.


The basement of the tabernacle can be accessed by unlocking the Ornate Wooden Hatch at X: 103 Y: -30.

Within the basement, there are several traps as well as a number of offering chests to various gods. Items donated by the party will also appear in the corresponding offering chest. Looting any of the items from the offering chests (including the items previously donated by the party) curses the offending character with Castigated By Divinity Castigated By Divinity. However, breaking the chests and looting the items from the floor will avoid the curse. Alternatively, it is possible to drag the item(s) in the chest onto the floor to avoid the curse.

Seizing the offerings for the party grants the Inspirational Event Weak Gifts for Weak Beings (Haunted One background).

Castigated By Divinity Castigated By Divinity can be removed with a Remove Curse Remove Curse spell or by healing, but that spawns a creature to fight.

Khalid's Gift makes Jaheira Jaheira immune to curses, including Castigated By Divinity Castigated By Divinity, so while wearing it she can steal from any of the offering chests with no negative consequences other than Vicar Humbletoes Vicar Humbletoes refusing to talk or trade with her character anymore. Other party members can continue to trade with him without penalty.

If a party member breaks into the basement and opens the offering chests but steals the items by right clicking them and selecting Send to another party member, then the party member to whom it is sent is considered the thief and the recipient of the curse. The one opening the chest and sending the item does not get cursed. If they send them to Camp, or to Jaheira wearing Khalid's Gift, no one gets cursed.


See also: Deities

Dedicated Statues[edit]

  • Helm (God) Helm, the Watcher and god of protection and guardians
  • Mystra Mystra, the goddess of magic
  • Selûne Selûne, the Lady of Silver and goddess of the moon
  • Tyr Tyr, the Blind God of law and justice

Statue of the Gods[edit]

Gods of Light and Justice[edit]
Gods of Balance and Ambiguity[edit]
  • Deities#Kelemvor Kelemvor the Great Guide, Lord of the Dead
  • Deities#Oghma Oghma Lord of Knowledge and Patron of Bards
  • Deities#Tempus Tempus God of War and Lord of Honourable Battle
  • Deities#Tymora Tymora the Bright Smiling Lady of Luck
Gods of Greed and Darkness[edit]
  • Deities#Gruumsh Gruumsh One-Eye, He Who Watches, God of the Orcs
  • Deities#Laduguer Laduguer the Exile, Deity of the Duergar
  • Lolth Lolth the Weaver of Destiny and Queen of Spiders and Darkness
  • Deities#Talos Talos the Storm Lord, God of Fury and Destruction
  • Deities#Tiamat Tiamat Dragon Queen of Chaos and Avarice
  • Shar Shar Dark Lady of Loss and Mistress of the Night

Notable quests[edit]

Notable loot[edit]

Sold by Vicar Humbletoes:

Notable characters[edit]

Companion Approval[edit]

Some companions approve or disapprove of making an offering to the gods. Positive approval seems to apply only once, while negative approval can apply multiple times (if multiple characters make their own separate offerings).

  • Making an offering to any of the gods:
Astarion disapproves -1 Minthara disapproves -1
  • Making an offering at the statue of Selûne, Mystra, Helm, or Tyr, or to any of the gods of light and justice at the Statue of the Gods:
Wyll approves +1
  • Making an offering to Mielikki, one of the gods of light and justice at the Statue of the Gods:
Halsin approves +1 Jaheira approves +1 Minsc approves +1
  • Making an offering to Oghma, one of the gods of balance and ambiguity at the Statue of the Gods:
Gale approves +1
  • Making an offering to any of the gods of greed and darkness at the Statue of the Gods:
Wyll disapproves -1
  • Making an offering to Lolth, one of the gods of greed and darkness at the Statue of the Gods:
Minthara disapproves -4
  • Making an offering to Shar, one of the gods of greed and darkness at the Statue of the Gods:
Lae'zel disapproves -1 Shadowheart disapproves -1 (If Shadowheart is a follower of Selûne)
Lae'zel disapproves -1 Shadowheart approves +5 (If Shadowheart is a follower of Shar)


  1. Narrator still says the party members have to pray each day (after each long rest) to reapply Anointed in Splendour Anointed in Splendour, but since Patch 6 this is not necessary anymore.
  2. Asking Withers Withers to respec a character will reduce them to level 1 and cause them to be charged the minimum amount.
  3. As with traders, donated items are only worth their sale price, not their nominal value.


* As of Patch #7, there is an UI bug that does not allow the selection of gold or splitting of item stacks within the donation window. However, placing gold into a container such as a backpack will allow it to be donated.

External links[edit]