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Revision as of 04:09, 22 October 2023 by Hargrimm (talk | contribs) (Act Two: +1)
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"You have a history of breaking the law and survive by leveraging less-than-legal connections. Profiting from criminal enterprise will lead to greater opportunities in the future."

Background Features

Background Goals

Performing certain actions that align with this background will reward Inspiration. These goals can be accomplished by any member of the active party, and Inspiration points are pooled, up to a maximum of 4.


  • A Fine Fortune: Steal an item worth at least 1000 gold.
  • Blood Price: Murder an innocent civilian.
  • Escape Artist: Escape from jail after being arrested.

Act One

  • Culling the Crowd: Use poison to kill the drunk goblins in camp.
  • Friend of the Family: Become an ally of the Zhentarim.
  • Heretic: Steal the Idol of Silvanus.
  • Jailbreaker: Smuggle Sazza out of the grove.
  • Lesser Evils: Rob the enthralled fishermen.
  • Open For A Surprise: Acquire the Iron Flask from the Zhentarim.
  • Perfect Cut: Split Nere's money with the duergar mutineers.
  • Serpent's Bounty: Take Zevlor's payment for killing Kagha.
  • Show Them How It's Done: Steal from the tiefling children's stash without making enemies of them.
  • Slaughter's Prize: Ally with Minthara to loot and slaughter the grove.
  • Swiftly Stolen: Obtain Thulla's magical boots through underhanded means.
  • The Allure of Coin: Steal from a child charmed by harpies.

Act Two

Act Three

  • Donations means 'Free': Steal donated goods from the big barn.
  • There's Always a Back Door: Gain access to the Open Hand Temple's hidden door.