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Category:Spell Big Icons
Media in category "Spell Big Icons"
The following 37 files are in this category, out of 37 total.
Spell Abjuration DeathWard.png 144 × 144; 12 KB
Spell Abjuration DispelEvilAndGood BreakEnchantment.png 144 × 144; 14 KB
Spell Abjuration DispelEvilAndGood Dismissal.png 144 × 144; 14 KB
Spell Abjuration DispelEvilAndGood.png 144 × 144; 12 KB
Spell Abjuration DispelMagic.png 144 × 144; 13 KB
Spell Abjuration FreedomOfMovement.png 144 × 144; 12 KB
Spell Abjuration GiantInsect Spider.png 144 × 144; 13 KB
Spell Abjuration GlyphOfWarding ExplosiveRunes Thunder.png 144 × 144; 15 KB
Spell Abjuration GlyphOfWarding Sleep.png 144 × 144; 13 KB
Spell Abjuration GreaterRestoration.png 144 × 144; 9 KB
Spell Abjuration LesserRestoration.png 144 × 144; 9 KB
Spell Abjuration MageArmor 2.png 144 × 144; 11 KB
Spell Abjuration MageArmor.png 144 × 144; 12 KB
Spell Abjuration MagicCircle Elemental.png 144 × 144; 15 KB
Spell Abjuration MagicCircle.png 144 × 144; 15 KB
Spell Abjuration ProtectionFromEnergy Thunder.png 144 × 144; 15 KB
Spell Abjuration ProtectionFromEvilAndGood.png 144 × 144; 12 KB
Spell Enchantment Hex 2.png 144 × 144; 12 KB
Spell Enchantment Hex Charisma 2.png 144 × 144; 14 KB
Spell Enchantment Hex Charisma.png 144 × 144; 14 KB
Spell Enchantment Hex Constitution 2.png 144 × 144; 13 KB
Spell Enchantment Hex Constitution.png 144 × 144; 14 KB
Spell Enchantment Hex Dexterity 2.png 144 × 144; 14 KB
Spell Enchantment Hex Dexterity.png 144 × 144; 14 KB
Spell Enchantment Hex Intelligence.png 144 × 144; 14 KB
Spell Enchantment Hex Strength 2.png 144 × 144; 14 KB
Spell Enchantment Hex Strength.png 144 × 144; 14 KB
Spell Enchantment Hex Wisdom 2.png 144 × 144; 14 KB
Spell Enchantment Hex.png 144 × 144; 12 KB
Spell IntellectDevourer SynapticDischarge.png 144 × 144; 12 KB
Spell Transmutation FleshToGold.png 144 × 144; 15 KB
Spell Transmutation FleshToStone.png 144 × 144; 14 KB
Spell Transmutation Fly.png 144 × 144; 11 KB
Spell Transmutation GaseousForm.png 144 × 144; 12 KB
Spell Transmutation Goodberry.png 144 × 144; 11 KB
Spell Transmutation Haste.png 144 × 144; 14 KB
Spell Transmutation HeatMetal.png 144 × 144; 13 KB