Template:Item icon/doc

From bg3.wiki
Revision as of 14:08, 17 September 2023 by Sky (talk | contribs) (Edit no_padding description)
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This template fetches and displays an icon for an item. The information is uploaded using the standard item descriptions. Use Template:ItemIcon Insert to add a page that doesn't use Template:MiscItemPage, Template:EquipmentPage, or Template:WeaponPage.

|name=the name of the icon page
|size=(optional) the size of the icon
|show_name=(optional) Whether to show the name. Any value will show the name of the item as a link. Omit to hide it.
|show_rarity=(optional) Whether to add a border and background to the icon according to the item's rarity. Omit to not show it.
|no_padding=(optional) If specified, does not insert margin to the left and right of the ItemIcon. Recommended for use in tables, lists, and start of paragraphs.
|override_icon=(optional) If specified, skips looking up the Cargo table and inserts the specified icon directly. Must also specify '''override_rarity'''.
|override_rarity=(optional) When specified with '''override_icon''', will set the rarity of the displayed item.
|alias=(optional) If specified, the link text will be this instead.


Copy-ready template (no item name): {{ItemIcon|name=}}

Copy-ready template (with item name): {{ItemIcon|name=|show_name=true}}


ResultSizeShow name?Rarity?Code
Icon only

40 {{ItemIcon|name=Potion of Healing|size=40|show_name=|show_rarity=}}

25 {{ItemIcon|name=Potion of Healing|size=25|show_name=|show_rarity=}}

40 {{ItemIcon|name=Potion of Supreme Healing|size=40|show_name=|show_rarity=}}

25 {{ItemIcon|name=Potion of Supreme Healing|size=25|show_name=|show_rarity=}}

File:The Red Knight's Final Stratagem Unfaded Icon.png

40 {{ItemIcon|name=The Red Knight's Final Stratagem|size=40|show_name=|show_rarity=}}

File:The Red Knight's Final Stratagem Unfaded Icon.png

25 {{ItemIcon|name=The Red Knight's Final Stratagem|size=25|show_name=|show_rarity=}}
Linked icon

Potion of Healing

40 true {{ItemIcon|name=Potion of Healing|size=40|show_name=true|show_rarity=}}

Potion of Healing

25 true {{ItemIcon|name=Potion of Healing|size=25|show_name=true|show_rarity=}}

Potion of Supreme Healing

40 true {{ItemIcon|name=Potion of Supreme Healing|size=40|show_name=true|show_rarity=}}

Potion of Supreme Healing

25 true {{ItemIcon|name=Potion of Supreme Healing|size=25|show_name=true|show_rarity=}}

File:The Red Knight's Final Stratagem Unfaded Icon.pngThe Red Knight's Final Stratagem

40 true {{ItemIcon|name=The Red Knight's Final Stratagem|size=40|show_name=true|show_rarity=}}

File:The Red Knight's Final Stratagem Unfaded Icon.pngThe Red Knight's Final Stratagem

25 true {{ItemIcon|name=The Red Knight's Final Stratagem|size=25|show_name=true|show_rarity=}}
Rarity icon

Potion of Healing

40 true true {{ItemIcon|name=Potion of Healing|size=40|show_name=true|show_rarity=true}}

Potion of Healing

25 true true {{ItemIcon|name=Potion of Healing|size=25|show_name=true|show_rarity=true}}

Potion of Supreme Healing

40 true true {{ItemIcon|name=Potion of Supreme Healing|size=40|show_name=true|show_rarity=true}}

Potion of Supreme Healing

25 true true {{ItemIcon|name=Potion of Supreme Healing|size=25|show_name=true|show_rarity=true}}

File:The Red Knight's Final Stratagem Unfaded Icon.pngThe Red Knight's Final Stratagem

40 true true {{ItemIcon|name=The Red Knight's Final Stratagem|size=40|show_name=true|show_rarity=true}}

File:The Red Knight's Final Stratagem Unfaded Icon.pngThe Red Knight's Final Stratagem

25 true true {{ItemIcon|name=The Red Knight's Final Stratagem|size=25|show_name=true|show_rarity=true}}

File:Missing Item Or Item Icon Unfaded Icon.pngMissing Item Or Item Icon

40 true true {{ItemIcon|name=Missing Item Or Item Icon|size=40|show_name=true|show_rarity=true}}

File:Missing Item Or Item Icon Unfaded Icon.pngMissing Item Or Item Icon

25 true true {{ItemIcon|name=Missing Item Or Item Icon|size=25|show_name=true|show_rarity=true}}
The Joltshooter{{ItemIcon|override_icon=Pig's Head Item Icon.png|name=The Joltshooter|override_rarity=legendary|show_name=true|show_rarity=true}}

File:Template:ItemIcon/Item Missing Images Unfaded Icon.pngTemplate:ItemIcon/Item Missing Images

40 true true {{ItemIcon|name=Template:ItemIcon/Item Missing Images|size=40|show_name=true|show_rarity=true}}
An alias{{ItemIcon|name=The Joltshooter|alias=An alias|show_name=true|show_rarity=true}}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tristique ligula vitae turpis varius ullamcorper. Ut sagittis Potion of Supreme Healing eu dolor accumsan venenatis. Maecenas sit amet ante at ligula efficitur fermentum. Suspendisse ac neque pretium nisi finibus euismod. Suspendisse varius ipsum lorem, vitae consectetur metus mattis sit amet. Proin ornare orci turpis, non blandit lorem scelerisque a. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Titanstring Bow in luctus arcu. Proin aliquet lorem quis lacus lacinia molestie. Suspendisse iaculis venenatis nibh, et dapibus augue varius a.

Related templates

Transcluded from Template:ItemIcon/Family.


The base ItemIcon with all functionality.


A version of ItemIcon that always has a image height of 25px and links the item.

Potion of Superior Healing


A version of ItemIcon that always has a image height of 30px and links the item.

Potion of Superior Healing


A version of ItemIcon that always has an image height of 40px and links the item.

Potion of Supreme Healing


A version of ItemIcon that displays the rarity colors and links the item. Defaults to 25px but can be adjusted.

The Joltshooter


A version of RarityItem that defaults to 20px instead of 25. For use in running texts.

The Joltshooter


A version of RarityItem that defaults to 30px instead of 25. For use on Template:ActionPage, which specifically needs to be passed a template name.

The Joltshooter


A version of RarityItem that defaults to 40px instead of 25. For use on various list pages.

The Joltshooter

Template:ItemIcon Insert

A utility template that inserts information into the "item_icon" table, which is where all information used to provide ItemIcon functionality is stored. This template should only need to be manually called for pages that are not items, but might want to have an icon associated with them, for example Food Supply Table 4.


Icon does not show up

  • Check that the name is provided correctly.
Refer to the template you are using. Template:ItemIcon requires the name to be provided as the name= parameter, while other templates might use anonymous parameters.
  • Check that the page exists
The page must exist and use Template:MiscItemPage, Template:EquipmentPage, Template:WeaponPage, or Template:ItemIcon Insert. Technically, you could also insert directly into the item_icon Cargo table, but please don't do that without good reason.
  • Check that the parameters are passed to the page-generating templates
ItemIcon pulls from the page-generating template parameters, particularly rarity, image, and icon. Either image or icon needs to be set for an icon to show.
  • Try doing a null edit on the page.
The ItemIcon template was introduced after the page-generating templates. This means that information won't be inserted into the Cargo table until the pages that use the page-generating templates are edited. You can do a null edit to forcibly insert information into the table. This is an edit where you change nothing. It will not show up in the page's edit history or your contribution page, but it will refresh the page and, if applicable, insert the info needed into the table.
  • Ask on Discord
If none of the above steps work, ask on the Discord and someone might be able to help solve the problem.