Hi! I like swords.
Weapon action page template draft:
| image = !-- A high-res image of the action. --
| action type = !-- Leave EMPTY for action, otherwise: "bonus", "both" (if action + bonus), "reaction", "movement" --
| weapon types = !-- Leave EMPTY if unique, otherwise all Weapon Types (in plural) that use this action --
| weapons = !-- Leave EMPTY if not unique, otherwise list all unique weapon/item names that use this action --
| description = !-- In-game tooltip quote. --
| damage = !-- Must follow the strict format "XdY" --
| damage type = !-- Accepts any of Damage Types, but usually: Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning --
| damage modifier = !-- "Proficiency" if the same as the parent weapon, otherwise select from the Ability Score as "STR, "DEX" etc. --
| extra damage = !-- Either same format as regular damage, or flat value if stated so in game--
| extra damage type = !-- Accepts any of Damage Types --
| attack roll = !-- A yes/no property, which MUST BE EMPTY if you mean "no"! Never actually type "no"! --
| duration = !-- Leave EMPTY if none, otherwise duration of the weapon action ability in turns --
| range type = !-- "weapon" or "ranged" --
| range m = !-- Leave EMPTY if "range type" is "weapon", otherwise provide the range in meters. --
| range ft = !-- Leave EMPTY if "range type" is "weapon", otherwise provide the range in feet. --
| aoe = !-- Leave EMPTY if no AoE portion, otherwise "circle" for radial AoE, "cone" for conic AoE --
| aoe m = !-- Leave EMPTY if no AoE portion, otherwise provide the range in meters. --
| aoe ft = !-- Leave EMPTY if no AoE portion, otherwise provide the range in feet. --
| condition name = !-- Leave EMPTY if no condition is applied --
| condition save = !-- Leave EMPTY if no condition is applied, otherwise select from the Ability Score as "STR, "DEX" etc. --
| condition duration = !-- Leave EMPTY if no condition is applied, otherwise duration of condition in turns --
| recharge = !-- Leave EMPTY if no recharge time, otherwise "Short Rest" or "Long Rest" --