Guide:Where To Find
Item | Type | From | Description |
Everburn Blade | Greatswords | Commander Zhalk | +1d4 Fire |
Item | Type | From | Description |
Corellon's Grace | Quarterstaves | Auntie Ethel | +1 to Unarmed Attack rolls and damage, +2 to Saving throws |
Ring of Flinging | Rings | Arron | +1d4 Throw |
Hunting Shortbow | Shortbows | Dammon | Hunter's Mark per Long Rest, Advantage against Monstrosity |
Hellrider's Pride | Gloves | Zevlor | Healing grant Duration: 2 turns
Silver Pendant | Amulets | skeleton (X:160, Y:373) | Guidance |
Gloves of Power | Gloves | Za'Krug | Hit inflict Duration: 2 turns
Item | Type | From | Description |
The Whispering Promise | Rings | Volo | Healing grant Duration: 2 turns
Item | Type | From | Description |
Titanstring Bow | Longbows | Brem | + Strength modifier to damage |
Item | Type | From | Description |
Club of Hill Giant Strength | Clubs | Stool of Hill Giant Strength | Increases Strength to 19 |
Item | Type | From | Description |
Charge-Bound Warhammer | Warhammers | Dammon | Bound only: +1 to Attack rolls and damage, +1d6 Lightning |
Harmonium Halberd | Halberds | Dammon | Strength +2 (up to 23) |
Item | Type | From | Description |
Render of Mind and Body | Shortswords | Lann Tarv | +1d8 Psychic on Advantage attacks |
Item | Type | From | Description |
Nyrulna | Tridents | Painted Chest (X: -1511, Y: -1522) | 6m AOE 3d4 Thunder Throw |
Item | Type | From | Description |
Duke Ravengard's Longsword | Longswords | Grand Duke Ravengard | Charisma +2 |
Item | Type | From | Description |
Rhapsody | Daggers | Cazador | +1 to Attack rolls, damage and Spell Save DC per kill up to +3, buff persist if not equipped |