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Revision as of 12:33, 1 September 2023 by Sky (talk | contribs) (make example match reality)
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Everything is optional. You don't have to set a DC. You don't even have to set an image or a link!


|icon=Gilded Chest A Icon.png
|link=Gilded Chest
* {{SmIconLink|Book Note M Image.png|Acquisitions Record}}
* {{SmIconLink|Torch of Revocation Icon.png|Torch of Revocation}}
* {{SmIconLink|Gold Pile Single Icon.png|Gold}} 54pcs
* {{SmIconLink|Topaz Icon.png|Topaz}}
* {{SmIconLink|Arrow of Ilmater Icon.png|Arrow of Ilmater}}
* {{SmIconLink|Arrow of Slaying Icon.png|Arrow of Dragon Slaying}}

Or even:


|link=Gilded Chest
* {{SmIconLink|Book Note M Image.png|Acquisitions Record}}
* {{SmIconLink|Torch of Revocation Icon.png|Torch of Revocation}}
* {{SmIconLink|Gold Pile Single Icon.png|Gold}} 54pcs
* {{SmIconLink|Topaz Icon.png|Topaz}}
* {{SmIconLink|Arrow of Ilmater Icon.png|Arrow of Ilmater}}
* {{SmIconLink|Arrow of Slaying Icon.png|Arrow of Dragon Slaying}}


|title_override=This shop shop
* {{GoldIcon|592}} 592 [[Gold]]

This shop contains the following items:

And as always, nograd=1 will remove the gradient.