Talk:Permanent bonuses

Revision as of 00:28, 27 August 2023 by Majesstic (talk | contribs) (typo)

Latest comment: 27 August 2023 by Majesstic in topic Brand of the Absolute
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Mirror of Loss

I think these bonuses need to be clarified a bit better. The sacrifice of "memories" can provide either a +1 OR +2 bonus, depending on some factor (seemingly using the Arcane check provides +1, while using a religion check provides +2, and apparently they can stack for a +3 total, though I have no save to verify this at the moment). The way it's currently worded implies sacrificing "memories" is only +1, which I can say for certain is not true based on my testing in my original run (where I got +2 after the Religion check, but either never had (or failed and didn't notice) an an Arcane check).

As a rogue/ranger, I didn't see any option for an Arcana check either. I'm honestly not sure what the recent edit to this permanent bonus info is trying to say, since I'm only aware of the +2 bonus option, so I'm hesitant to correct anything here. Anyone else have concrete, confirmed steps for how to achieve both a +1 and a +2 bonus from the mirror? -majesstic (talk) 11:15, 23 August 2023 (CEST)Reply
As a followup, I did a bunch of testing here, and it seems like only +1 CHA is possible and it's quite buggy/inconsistent. Maybe others can chime in to comment on other outcomes? Possibly class-tagged dialogue options for an Arcana check? -majesstic (talk) 12:51, 23 August 2023 (CEST)Reply
sorry first time posting on this wiki, so apologies if i dont follow convention. just want to add to this... I dont think this is a bug, i think theirs a hidden role being done even if you pass the checks. I did prayer, then another religion check and sacrificed fortitude each test (im a wizard so i passed each check). 7 times i got the "you think of Aver" dialogue, which means you get nothing except the debuff. 4 times I got the straight exchange, 2 fort down for 2 int up and 2 times I got the Patriars buff, which gave em +1 cha and then allowed me to interact again and get a +2 int for sacrificing Thay knowledge. What i rolled on previous checks seemed to have no bearing on what the mirror did as long as i passed them. (in one case i got 2 nat 20's and still i got the Aver dialogue and got nothing), I therefore think this is indicative of a third role being made on mirror's side and this is indicating crit fails, passes and crit success roles and i think thats why its random, not a bug.


This one probably needs more information on what happens if you have Lae'zel use the device when she's a companion. In my playthrough, she received three negative conditions & her saving throw results are not visible to the player.

Act 2 potion

The potion gained from convincing Astarion to bite the drow appears to be tied to race. My halfling received a potion of Halfling luck which gave advantage on skill checks until long rest. Need confirmation from other races that have received different potions.

You get two potions from her. The first is 'free' for allowing her to take a sample of YOUR blood, and that varies based on your race. Then there's a second potion you get from convincing Astarion to bite her, which is the permanent +2 STR one. Only the latter is listed here, since it's permanent. The others are listed on the Araj Oblodra page. Hargrimm (talk) 02:45, 26 August 2023 (CEST)Reply

Brand of the Absolute

I reverted the recent change to the note and added some clarity. You can still brand your full party after the first character has been branded by Gut. Warlock Greez handles all of the branding after that. -majesstic (talk) 01:27, 27 August 2023 (CEST)Reply