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Form H, Refusal of Admittance

Revision as of 21:13, 23 August 2023 by Fresch K (talk | contribs) (image added)
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Form H, Refusal of Admittance image

A formulaic notice, informing the recipient that their request to enter Baldur's Gate has been denied.

A plain, unadorned note.


  • Books Books
  • Rarity: Common
  •  Weight: 0.05 kg / 0.1 lb
  • Price: 14 gp

Where to find


Petitioner Name Here:

The Flaming Fist Company regrets to inform you that your request to enter Baldur's Gate has been denied. This is due to (check all that apply):

- evasive answers to routine questions
- suspected cult affiliation
- lack of visible means of support

Denied petitioners may reapply after a tenday, but too-frequent reapplication is considered harassment and subjected to penalty.