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Haunted One

Revision as of 14:20, 20 August 2023 by ShadowOake (talk | contribs) (Added Inspirations)
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"A wicked moment, person, or thing that cannot be slain by sword or spell haunts your mind and flickers in your peripheral vision. You carry it wherever your adventure takes you - or perhaps it carries you."

Background Features

The Haunted One Background is only available to The Dark Urge characters.


Act One

  • Good Ol' Long Pig: Eat a chunk of the cooked dwarf.
  • Grabbing the Poker with Both Hands: Torture Liam yourself.
  • Reuniting Friends: Kill Brynna and Andrick, reuniting them with their fallen companion.
  • Snipping the Chords: Kill Alfira in cold blood.
  • Subdue Thine Appetities: Resist your Dark Urge.
  • Unfamiliar Familiarity: Release Withers from his tomb.
  • Indulge Thine Appetites: Follow your Dark Urge.
  • Fresh Kindle for the Fire: Leave the pinned Benryn to burn.

Act Two