Talk:Eldritch Invocation

Revision as of 00:41, 9 August 2023 by MeanJim (talk | contribs) (One with Shadows at Level 2: new section)

Latest comment: 9 August 2023 by MeanJim in topic One with Shadows at Level 2
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The full invocation list appears to be:

Lifedrinker, MinionsOfChaos, OtherworldlyLeap, WhispersOfTheGrave, BookOfAncientSecrets, DreadfulWord, SculptorOfFlesh, MireTheMind, SignOfIllOmen, AgonizingBlast, ArmorOfShadows, BeastSpeech, BeguilingInfluence, DevilsSight, FiendishVigor, MaskOfManyFaces, OneWithShadows, RepellingBlast, ThiefOfFiveFates

from Shared/Public/SharedDev/Lists/PassiveLists.lsx

One with Shadows at Level 2

Do different sub-classes get different Eldritch Invocations? I'm playing an Archfey sub-class, and I have One with Shadows available at Level 2, along with everything else shown on the wiki for level 2. Also, it would be useful to know if you can change Eldritch Evocations at later level ups or if they are permanent. For example, at level 2, if I take Armour of Shadows, when I reach level 5, can I swap for a different one? --MeanJim (talk) 01:41, 9 August 2023 (CEST)Reply