This template has a table of all the background quotes in the game extracted directly from the game files so the only required parameter is the name of the background. This parameter should match the name of a background page exactly. On the background pages themselves, you can use {{PAGENAME}} as the parameter to this template.
Alternatively, the quote and image can be overridden with the parameters quote and image, but generally you should stick with the default behaviour.
{{Quote background|Outlander}}
Renders as
You grew up in the wilds, learning to survive far from the comforts of civilisation. Surviving unusual hazards of the wild will enhance your prowess and understanding.
A wicked moment, person, or thing that cannot be slain by sword or spell haunts your mind and flickers in your peripheral vision. You carry it wherever your adventure takes you - or perhaps it carries you.
A custom quote with a custom image.
{{Quote background
| quote = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
| image = Background Hermit Icon.png
Renders as
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Exhaustive list
The quote blocks for every background are displayed below for easy verification.
Available backgrounds
You have spent your life in service to a temple, learning sacred rites and providing sacrifices to the god or gods you worship. Serving the gods and discovering their sacred works will guide you to greatness.
You're an expert in manipulation, prone to exaggeration and more than happy to profit from it. Bending the truth and turning allies against each other will lead to greater success down the road.
You have a history of breaking the law and survive by leveraging less-than-legal connections. Profiting from criminal enterprise will lead to greater opportunities in the future.
You live to sway and subvert your audience, engaging common crowds and high society alike. Preserving art and bringing joy to the hapless and downtrodden heightens your charismatic aura.
You're a champion of the common people, challenging tyrants and monsters to protect the helpless. Saving innocents in imminent danger will make your legend grow.
Your skill in a particular craft has earned you membership in a mercantile guild, offering privileges and protection while engaging in your art. Repairing and discovering rare crafts will bring new inspiration.
You were raised in a family among the social elite, accustomed to power and privilege. Accumulating renown, power, and loyalty will raise your status.
You grew up in the wilds, learning to survive far from the comforts of civilisation. Surviving unusual hazards of the wild will enhance your prowess and understanding.
You are curious and well-read, with an unending thirst for knowledge. Learning about rare lore of the world will inspire you to put this knowledge to greater purpose.
You are trained in battlefield tactics and combat, having served in a militia, mercenary company, or officer corps. Show smart tactics and bravery on the battlefield to enhance your prowess.
After surviving a poor and bleak childhood, you know how to make the most out of very little. Using your street smarts bolsters your spirit for the journey ahead.
A wicked moment, person, or thing that cannot be slain by sword or spell haunts your mind and flickers in your peripheral vision. You carry it wherever your adventure takes you - or perhaps it carries you.
Unused backgrounds
A life spent in seclusion grants a clear mind, but makes the chaos of society distasteful.
You are pushed by greed and wanderlust, ever curious, seeking hoards and wonders unknown. Finding secret treasures opens the path to new discoveries.
Unused character-specific backgrounds
Looking at you, people see someone eloquent, experienced, and a little dangerous. There's a sensuality to you that people admire, and you've made use of that fact, oh yes. If ever there was an emblem for night and all its dark promise, surely that is you.
Drafted from your crèche into a military life, a taste for violence and a love for the githyanki ruler, Vlaakith, were seeded and nurtured within you. Now you are an agent for Vlaakith on the Material Plane, working toward the advancement of your species.
Bookish and ambitious, you rose to prominence among the upper crust of spellcasters in the thriving metropolis of Waterdeep. Displaced from that comfortable refined life, you find yourself adapting to a new one on the adventurers' road.
Adopted into a religious convent as a child, you grew up in the warm yet rigorous embrace of the faithful. Their tutelage was rigorous, too. Not much room for warmth, though, and you have found your heart yearning for fulfillment beyond the cloister, your boots for cobbles new.
Sleek as a leopard and bold as a bear with an empty belly, you have developed a reputation that grows and shifts along the Sword Coast. However, a discontent has settled in you, tangling your present in the cruel and complicated details of your past.
Conscripted by an archdevil to fight in the Blood War against insane and horrifying demons, you emerged fiery and hardened as the core of a furnace. Escaping to the Material Plane, you have left the madness of war behind. But its burning squalling specter still haunts your waking dreams.
An apostate who has renounced not one, but two faiths, you find yourself adrift in a world where the Gods are real, certainly, but untrustworthy. What does it mean to live outside of church doctrine, outside cultist dogma? It is up to you to find that out for yourself.
Master over a verdant grove that was home to life of all varieties, you have lived a life of peace-making and pain-mending. Forsaking the grove was difficult, but necessary, for the safety of the natural world is in jeopardy, and it is the duty of those with green thumbs and greener souls to aid it.
Veteran to a host of world-threatening conflicts, you have shrugged off the very idea of retirement. Peppermints and rocking chairs are for the infirm, and your muscle and mind are still as hard and strong as steel. Besides, young adventurers are headstrong - they need a little wisdom now and then.
If evil is a nose you are fist squashing it flat. Such is the legend surrounding you in Baldur's Gate: a hero of the most boisterous variety, armed to the teeth, and packing a tiny space hamster.
This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.
The name of a background. It should match exactly the pagename of the background. When used on a background page, you can use {{PAGENAME}} for this parameter.
Suggested values
AcolyteCharlatanCriminalEntertainerFolk HeroGuild ArtisanNobleOutlanderSageSoldierUrchinHaunted OneHermitSailorTrickster HedonistAstral ZealotWizard of WaterdeepCloistered StrayBlade of FrontiersBlood War VeteranUnderdark ExileGrove TenderWorld-Wise HeroineLegend of Baldur's Gate
Quote override
Use this parameter to specify a custom quote instead of a predefined one.
Image override
Use this parameter to specify a custom icon instead of a predefined one.
Image position override
Override the image position from its default position on the right.
Suggested values
Link override
Override where clicking the image links to.
Page name
Disable link
Entirely remove the link. This is the same as setting "link=". For use with cut backgrounds that don't have dedicated pages.