Subclass Features
Level 3
- Rage: Wild Magic: Rage instantly causes a magical effect randomly rolled from the Wild Magic table (Different from the Sorcerer's Wild Magic table). Some of these effects can be activated every subsequent turn as a bonus action.
- Magic Awareness: Anyone within a 3m range adds their Proficiency Bonus to Saving Throws against spells.
Level 6
- Bolstering Magic: Boon: You or an ally receive +1d4 bonus to Attack Rolls and Ability Checks for 10 turns.
- Bolstering Magic: Level 1 Spell Slot: You or an ally recover a level 1 spell slot.
- Bolstering Magic: Level 2 Spell Slot: You or an ally recover a level 2 spell slot.
Level 9
- Bolstering Magic: Level 3 Spell Slot: You or an ally recover a level 3 spell slot.
Level 10
- Unstable Backlash: While enraged, while taking damage or failing a saving throw, you trigger another Wild Magic effect that replaces your existing one. (This counts as a reaction and can be set to ask.)