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Cap of Curing
{{EquipmentPage| | image = Cap of Curing Icon.png | controller icon = Cap of Curing Unfaded.png | icon = Cap of Curing Unfaded Icon.png | description = The Cap of Curing is an uncommon Hat that heals those inspired by the wearer using Bardic Inspiration. | quote = Putting on this hat is somehow enough to lift your spirits. | type = Helmets | proficiency = | armour class = | armour class bonus = | enchantment = | rarity = uncommon | weight kg = 0.5 | weight lb = 1 | price = 90 | uid = MAG_Bard_HealingBardicInspiration_Hat | uuid = cfbd013c-f24d-4430-be13-d7bfafd48709 | passives = Soothing Songs | special = | where to find = Found in a locked gilded chest behind a pillar near to where Alfira is composing her song in the Druid Grove | where to find location = Sacred Pool | where to find x = 289 | where to find y = 488 | notes = * When a character is healed by Bardic Inspiration, the game does not equate this with the wearer of this hat directly healing the creature. As such, it will not trigger equipment like The Whispering Promise.
- The healing occurs when Bardic Inspiration is given to a creature, not when they actually use it.
- The [[version of Bardic Inspiration that is provided by Alfira does not trigger the healing.
Appearance in game