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Understanding Mod Folder Structure
Folder Structure for a General Mod[edit | edit source]
The following is how the folder structure of a typical mod might appear. It's purpose is not to be exhaustive, but rather showcase the folder structure of what are generally the most essential parts of a typical mod. Text contained within braces {}
are meant to be filled in by the author of the mod.
- {Mod Name} (root/workspace folder)
- Generated
- Public
- {Mod Name}
- [PAK]_{Mod_Name} (contains models and textures)
- {Mod Name}
- Public
- Localization
- {Language} (usually called just English)
(contains the text to display for items and spells)
- {Language} (usually called just English)
- Mods
- {Mod Name}
(see Creating meta.lsx for more information)
- {Mod Name}
- Public (use one of the Sample Mods as a template for this folder)
- Game (icons and other UI elements)
- {Mod Name} (mod files in plain-text or XML)
- ScriptExtender (this folder and its contents are only present if using Norbyte's Script Extender)
- Config.json
- Generated
Folder Structure for an armour mod with new meshes and textures[edit | edit source]
Here is an example of the structure of a BG3 mod. You may wish to compare and contrast to one of the Sample Mods.
Your mod is MySweetMod
- MySweetMod
- Generated
- Public
- MySweetMod
- Assets <- models and textures
- MySweetMod
- Public
- Localization
- Language <- usually English
<- text for items and spells
- Language <- usually English
- Mods
- MySweetMod
<- See Creating meta.lsx
- MySweetMod
- Public
- Game
- Assets
- ControllerItems
- items_png <--- 144 x 144 .DDS icon files for outfits and weapons
- skills_png <--- 144 x 144 .DDS icon files for spells and passives
- Tooltips
- ItemIcons <--- 380 x 380 .DDS icon files for outfits and weapons
- Icons <--- 380 x 380 .DDS icon files for spells and passives
- ControllerItems
- Assets
- MySweetMod
- Assets
- Textures
- Icons <--- .dds Texture Atlas for Icons
- Textures
- Content
- Assets
- Characters
- [PAK]_Armor <-- material and mesh LSX for custom outfits and weapons.
- Characters
- Assets
- UI
- [PAK]_UI <--- Contains '_merged.lsx'. This tells the game what the texture atlas dds is called and where it is.
- GUI <--- Icons_Items.lsx. This sets the positions for the icon texture atlas.
- RootTemplates <--- Your Roottemplate lsx goes here. MySweetMod.Lsx
- Stats
- Generated <--- TreasureTable.txt - This tells the game where the item will spawn.
- Data <--- Armor.txt, Object.txt, Passive.txt, Weapon.txt and other TXT files. These contain stats.
- Generated <--- TreasureTable.txt - This tells the game where the item will spawn.
- Assets
- Game
- Generated