Talk:Deal with the Gnomes

Revision as of 02:45, 15 July 2024 by (talk) (whole place aggros...: Reply)
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Latest comment: 15 July 2024 by in topic whole place aggros...
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whole place aggros...[edit source]

This article leads you to believe that you can do this with only Wulbren dying and that does NOT seem to be the case! Both taking the quest and then attacking him as well as attacking Wulbren immediately without talking BOTH cause the entire cave (poor Barcus included) to aggro! There does not seem to be a way to do this quest without losing Barcus as well, which is, frankly, terrible! :( 03:25, 15 July 2024 (CEST)Reply

An update - killing him w/ a thief Rogue Astarion (with Tav and the rest of the party outside the cave), and then drinking an invis potion and dashing as much as possible out towards the cave entrance seems to have worked? All of the gnomes turned back to 'yellow' and ran out of the cave (with all the items/loot going yellow instead of red). Will update how this impacts any interaction with Barcus after dealing with the Foundry later. (I hope my boy Barcus doesn't hate my Tav, but I had to kill Wulbren at least ONCE and my (resist) durge playthrough seemed like the logical choice, hehe.) 03:45, 15 July 2024 (CEST)Reply