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Thunderwave is a Level 1 Evocation Spell. This spell allows spellcasters to project out a deafening force that can hits multiple creatures and objects. Creatures hit by this force are potentially pushed away from the spellcaster.

"Release a wave of thunderous force. It deals 2d8 Thunder damage and pushes away creatures and objects. On a successful save, creatures still take half damage and aren't pushed away."

Action Level 1 Spell Slot

Damage 2d8
Damage Types Thunder
Range Self
Area of Effect 5m / 17ft (Cube)
School Evocation
Saving Throw Constitution
Concentration None
Class Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard


Release a wave of thunderous force. It deals 2d8 Thunder damage and pushes away creatures and objects.

On a successful save, creatures still take half damage and aren't pushed away.


Action + Level 1 Spell Slot

Available to level 1 Bard, Druid, Sorcerer and Wizard.

  • Damage: 2 ~ 16 Thunder
  • Range: Self
  • Area of Effect: 5m / 17ft (Cube)
  • Saving Throw: Constitution

At Higher Levels

When the spell is cast a 2nd Level or higher, damage increases by 1d8 Thunder for each spell slots level above 1st.