Talk:Khalid's Gift

Revision as of 09:45, 1 March 2024 by Bobdodo (talk | contribs) (follow up after testing)
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Latest comment: 1 March 2024 by Bobdodo in topic 22 Wisdom
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22 Wisdom[edit source]

I think it is worth noting that this amulet cannot help a character get to 22 Wisdom, as it ceases to function once Wisdom reaches 21. If someone were to attempt to combine this amulet with a Wisdom of 20 and the +1 Wisdom from the Hag's Hair, for example, they would not reach 22 Wisdom but stay at 21. The fact that it can technically increase Wisdom to 21 is misleading and ultimately a pointless feature since a Wisdom of 21 has no actual benefit.

Hi! Is this something you've tested and found not to work? If so I can add it no problem. However some items stack in ways you might not expect with permanent buffs - for example Birthright can allow you to reach 24 charisma when combined with the buff from the mirror of loss because the game adds the hats buff first and then the mirror buff, this may be also be the case with this amulet but I havn't tested it. --Bobdodo (talk) 09:05, 1 March 2024 (CET)Reply
Following up on this after a bit of testing - the +1 from the amulet will stack with the mirror of loss buff above 21 - allowing you to hit 23 with the amulet (or e.g. stay at 19 wis then amulet+mirror to 22) but it doesn't stack with the hag hair above 21. You can still go base 18+hag hair+amulet+mirror and hit 22 though, allowing 22 with just 18 base wisdom. 24 Widsom just annoyingly out of reach. --Bobdodo (talk) 09:45, 1 March 2024 (CET)Reply