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  • CAMP_DangerousBook_IVB_CFM_Astarion


  • Why is there a break before Astarion's disapproval?
  • Template says two = for Introduction. Wouldn't three look better? Below I used three.
    • Sidenote: I would prefer three = to be a font size smaller than two, bigger than the actual text in the article, but not bold.
  • Include Origins? How?
  • Can we include pictures? I'd obviously love to!


After giving Astarion the Necromancy of Thay, he begins to study it at camp to learn its secrets.

Astarion: Come on, come on. What are you hiding?

Player: I didn't say anything
  • Astarion: What? No - not you.
  • Astarion: I was just perusing this little find and - WILL YOU SHUT UP?!
  • Astarion: Forgive me. This book reads you more than you read it.
  • Player: What do you mean?
    • Astarion: I mean it plays with your mind. There are secrets here, but the book has spirits. They fight you every step of the way.
    • (If Astarion did not read any pages of the book.)
      • Astarion: I barely opened it when they started whispering from the shadows.
      • (See below)
    • (If Astarion read the first page.)
      • Astarion: I only read one page before their maddening whispers drove me away.
      • (See below)
    • (If Astarion read the second page.)
      • Astarion: I got deep into the pages of this book before they drove me out. And almost drove me mad.
      • (See below)
    • (If Astarion finished the inital reading.)
      • Astarion: I almost reached the end before they drove me out. And drove me all but mad.
      • (See below)
    • Astarion: Now every time I open it, the voices surge back into my mind. I can't reason with them - they exist to protect that book.
    • Player: Gale would take it off your hands.
      Astarion disapproves -1
      • Astarion: No! He's not eating this one. It's too valuable.
      • (See below)
    • Player: What secrets?
      • Astarion: I don't know. That's the point - they're secret.
      • (See below)
    • Player: Is there anything we can do?
      • Astarion: Maybe. Maybe not. It's hard to know what's lurking in here.
      • (See below)
      • Astarion: Someone went through a lot of trouble to protect this tome. It has to be something more than a book of cantrips.
      • Astarion: Still, I doubt this will help us with our parasites. Maybe it's better to put it aside for now.
      • Player: Yes, best to focus on what's urgent.
        • Astarion: Indeed. As long as the spirits remember their mission, the book is a lost cause.
        • Astarion: And I should rest. This has all been a lot.
        • (End of dialogue)
      • Player: Keep at it. Maybe you'll figure out a way.
        • Astarion: As long as those spirits remember their mission, I doubt it. Keeping the book safe is all they know.
        • Astarion: But still, we live in hope. Figuratively speaking.
        • (End of dialogue)
      • Player: What are you hoping to find in there anyway?
        • Astarion: It's a book of necromancy, full of secrets about controlling the dead, returning the dead to life, and who knows what else.
        • (Astarion mentioned that his old master's name is Cazador.)
          • Astarion: Whatever's in here, it might give me an edge over Cazador. Or free me from him entirely.
          • (See below)
        • (Astarion did not mention his old master's name.)
          • Astarion: Whatever's in here, it might give me an edge over my old master Cazador. Or free me from him entirely.
          • (See below)
        • Astarion: Although I can't make any progress as long as those spirits remember their mission. It seems to be all they know.
        • Astarion: Still. If nothing else, maybe I can beat Cazador to death with it.
        • (End of dialogue)

Player: Leave

(End of dialogue)