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Reithwin Tollhouse

Revision as of 23:17, 17 February 2024 by Dennis Bratland (talk | contribs) (Overview: Mention use of crate to jump out without having to use gaseous form, misty step, etc)
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The ruined facade of the Tollhouse. Gnarled shadow trees grow through it, with skeletons scattered about.
The ruined facade of the Tollhouse.
Reithwin Town
Mason's Guild
The Waning Moon Reithwin Tollhouse Ruined Battlefield

Reithwin Tollhouse is a location found in the south eastern area of Reithwin Town, directly south of the Mason's Guild. This is the first area you will arrive in when you arrive at Reithwin Town and can be accessed from the south western corner of the Ruined Battlefield. Crossing the bridge and passing through the arch will have you enter the northern entrance of the tollhouse.



This location contains the following waypoint:

  • caption = Reithwin Town Reithwin Town X: -78 Y: -46

First Floor

Gerringothe Thorm can be found on the first floor of the Tollhouse searching for gold. There is a lot of gold just scattered around on the floor.

There is a safe (Lockpicking DC 30) on the top floor that contains nothing. The combination is written on a note on the nearby wall (PLEASE READ!).

There is another safe (Strength DC 16) located near Gerringothe Thorm that contains a single coin.

The Tollhouse Clerk's Key can be found in a desk on the first floor and will open the Double Oak Doors near Gerringothe Thorm. Inside this room is an Opulent Chest (Lockpicking DC 10) that contains the Gloves of Battlemage's Power.

In the Tollhouse Master's Office there is a Heavy Chest with the Ironvine Shield. There are some rotten floorboards that can be broken to get to the floor below where there are two chests. In the floor below a Perception Check (DC 15) will reveal a button that will open the wall to outside the building (allowing you to escape the room).

Near the ladder to the Roof there is a plaque that says the 'Seized Inventory' is through the door (blocked by roots). To access this area you need to climb the ladder onto the roof, Perception check (DC 10) to find some rotten boards and break through to access the room below. Inside the room is a Greataxe +1 and a chest (Lockpicking DC 14) that contains the Fireheart. Getting back out to the roof without teleporting is difficult because even with large enough jump height or standing on a stack of crates, the camera won't show the roof for you to land on. Having another character place a crate on the roof gives you a visible surface to jump to from a couple crates inside, after some jockeying for a workable positioning.

The Roof

If you climb onto the roof using the ladder near Gerringothe Thorm you will find a skeleton who has a Club +1 and the Tollhouse Basement Key.

The Basement

The basement can be accessed from outside on the south side of the building. A Perception (DC 10) will reveal a button on the left hand side wall that will open the bookcases to reveal a secret room. Gerringothe's Logbook, a Soul Coin and a Gilded Chest can be found in this room. Roots will take you down another floor, to another room containing some alchemy ingredients and a single Rustic Chest.


Notable Loot

Notable items obtained in this location, whether looted, purchased, or obtained as a quest reward:


Penny Pincher
Defeat the Toll Collector without her using gold against you - excellent budgeting.