Karlach's subrace
She is actually a Zariel tiefling, not an Asmodeus one, as it says on her wiki page. You can verify this information in this video at minute 4:04:
- Verified - appreciate the video source showing in-game footage! Looks like NeutralChaotic already made the change. -majesstic (talk) 00:39, 2 August 2023 (CEST)
Not sure where I'd edit this in on the wiki but if you happen to end up killing Kagha in the druid grove then you can't recruit Karlach.
Starting Skills missing
Karlach's Starting Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception, Survival, Intimidation.
Starting Subclass description
in her starting class section it is written: Upon reaching level 3, she will default to the Wildheart subclass, granting her useful, if not sometimes unreliable, magic boons to pair with her martial skills. That Subclass description seems more fitting to Wild Magic. Is it possible there was a mix up between Wildheart and Wild magic ?
Karlach's parents and Gortash mismatch
When she's in the lower city we can go to her parents' graves, and she says outright that they both died before she got hired by Gortash. This directly contradicts the camp dialogue; which should we go with? Thanks y'all