User talk:HarveyPekar

Revision as of 21:54, 3 January 2024 by Nattern (talk | contribs) (Question about area page changes)
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Latest comment: 3 January 2024 by Nattern in topic Area Pages
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Hi, I've noticed that you've been adding hps with slash (e.g. 26/33). All HPs on the wiki should be in Balanced mode, are you perhaps in Tactician? Additionally, if these HP values are genuinely alternative values for the same enemy, would you consider using semicolons instead (26; 33)? I think it would be a lot clearer than slash.

- Sky (talk) 19:29, 11 November 2023 (CET)Reply

Yes, I have been adding Tactician HP values, and yes I agree the slash is vague! I purloined that formatting off another page, though I don't remember where. I also tried a "|" bar but that broke everything, naturally. Ideally I think there should be a separate row for them, but that would require changing the template. I do like your thinking about a semicolon, or maybe a parenthetical like "15 (20)". Maybe the HP column in the template can also mention that the second value is for tactician distinctions, like "HP ; Tact" or "HP (Tac)" -- HarveyPekar (talk) 19:38, 11 November 2023 (CET)Reply

Area Pages[edit source]

May I ask why you have been making changed to a bunch of area pages? You moved Acid (area) to Acid Surface and then back. You also changed the name on the page to "Acid Surface" when it is called Acid in-game. The area page rework is an ongoing project in the discord so please let me know if you have any input. Nattern (talk) 21:54, 3 January 2024 (CET)Reply