Modding:Creating Armor Mods
In order to create a custom outfit mesh you will need:
Start here.
Create and Export a Mesh in Blender
Making an Item's LSX codes to get it into the game as a standalone item
Finding Models and textures in the game files
3d References
Icon Creation
- Making armour icons by AnteMaxx
- Custom Backdrops for Character Creation and Level Up by AnteMaxx
- Chroma Key Droppable Object by SoggyBurrito and Hijimare
- BG3 Icons in downloadable format by Mirza
Dye and Colour Palette creation
- P4 Custom Dyes Including Template
- Colouring cheat sheet
- ColourMath Colour Converter Use sRGB 0-1 for the vec3 value.
- RGB Color Picker
- BG3 Mini Tool- convert values into the ones the game uses
- Examples of dyes on in game clothing/armor