File sizes
The textures need to be perfect squares, or perfect rectangles. This is because computers work to the power of 2 and prefer things that way. Not remembering this can make people’s games crash.
These rules don't apply to icon items, which go by their own rules.
The game's default textures for most items are 2048x2048 for clothing.
You can also have 2048 by 1024 and so on.
Example sizes:
4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
8k textures aren’t presently supported by the game.
Lower than 4x4 pixels will cause the game difficulty, it will not accept a 1 pixel map.
Bounding box software- materialise – For making Normal Maps from scratch
BG3 Normal Map Conversion Photoshop Actions- Automates normal map conversions in Photoshop