Modding:Armor/Clothing Texture Maps

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Armor/Clothing Texture Maps (Basic)

Base Map - BM

Colour strength

Physical Map - PM


  • Red Channel = Metallic (Darker = Matte)
  • Green Channel = Roughness (Darker = Glossier)
  • Blue Channel = Ambient Occlusion (Contains Lighting Data)

Normal Map - NM

Normals Note: Red channel is not used, moved to Alpha instead

Color Map - MSKColor/MSKcloth

Defines the material colours based on area - also needed to make Dyes work on armor/clothing.

Parameters and corresponding colours inside MSKColor/MSKcloth

Parameters & Colors
Parameter 0-1 Hex
Cloth_Primary 1 0.5 0 #FF8000
Cloth_Secondary 1 0 0 #FF0000
Cloth_Tertiary 1 0.5 0.5 #FF8080
Leather_Primary 0.5 0 1 #8000FF
Leather_Secondary 0 0 1 #0000FF
Leather_Tertiary 0.5 0.5 1 #8080FF
Metal_Primary 0 1 0.5 #00FF80
Metal_Secondary 0 1 0 #00FF00
Metal_Tertiary 0.5 1 0.5 #80FF80
Accent_Color 1 0 0.5 #FF0080
Custom_1 0 0.5 1 #0080FF
Custom_2 0.5 1 0 #80FF00
