Basic Tutorials
Tutorials for basic components of BG3 modding. We recommend at least glancing over all of these concepts before you start modding.
- Understanding Mod Folder Structure
- Creating your Meta.lsx by Padme4000
- Unpacking and Converting Files
- Dependencies
- Packaging Mods for install
- Working with LSX files ( example with Progressions.lsx )
- Hotloading
General Tutorials
General tutorials for modding BG3, or tutorials that encompass multiple categories.
- Custom Polymorphing
- Custom Dye Mod Guide by AstralSprout
- Add your custom hair to BG3 in 10 minutes or less by EmeraldTechno
- Adding New Colours to Character Creation by Padme4000
- Adding Custom/Edited Hairs to Character Creation as new assets not replacements by Padme4000
- BG3 Community Library
- How to code an custom mesh item and texture so it shows up in the game
Mesh-Related Tutorials
Mesh encompasses visible assets like clothing, armor, weapons, hair, heads, etc. Most of these tutorials use Blender as their program of choice.
Step One: Install GR2 plugin then Import and Export example
- this example does show importing a head mesh but is the steps used to import any mesh into blender.
- Fixing neck seams
- Fixing UV errors
- Fixing bone errors
- Head Conversion
- Making a custom skeleton for your head by Jerinski
- Padme4000's YouTube tutorials
- Creating Hairs Post Patch 9
- Joining Different Meshes Into One
- Editing Head Meshes
- A video tutorial on editing Ears, Neck, Teeth, Forehead, Scalp on Head Meshes
- Hair Thinning Begone by mocia
- Making Custom Armor - Part 1 by Druundev
- Custom Hair Highlight/Ombre
- Tiefling Horn Replacement Tips by Nathahniel
Learning Blender
These tutorials are not directly BG3-related, but are a great stepping stone into using Blender and working with meshes.
- Donut Tutorial (Blender 3.0) by Blender Guru
- Donut Tutorial (Blender 4.0) by Blender Guru
- Learn Shape Keys In Under 5 Mins by PIXXO 3D
- Fix your SHAPE KEYS! - Blender 2.8 tutorial by Danny Mac 3D
Texture-Related Tutorials
Texturing is usually applied on top of a mesh to make it appear a certain way.
- Texture Formatting
- Visualizing a BG3 Hair Texture in Blender by EmeraldTechno
- Making Custom Armor - Part 2 by Druundev
VFX-Related Tutorials
Visual Effects-related tutorials.
Creating Custom Visual Effects in-depth guide by ImmortalRDI