Savage Attack is a passive feature provided by the Feat of the same name. Your attacks become more fierce, and you deal damage at a higher level than usual when dealing melee weapon damage.
When making melee weapon attacks, you roll your damage dice twice and use the highest result.
When making a melee attack roll, this Passive Feature is known to affect damage riders (see Damage Mechanics) such as Divine Smite and Withering Cut from Duellist's Prerogative. Specifically, damage rolls for these damage riders are rolled twice for the higher result. Unknown if this mechanic interaction is bugged or intended.
This feat does not apply to damage from Sneak Attacks.
This feat essentially means you have advantage on your damage rolls. The average bonus to your damage becomes, depending on what dice the weapon uses (for the math, see the math section on the advantage page):
Weapon deals 1d4 damage: average bonus damage is 0.625
Weapon deals 1d6 damage: average bonus damage is 0.972...
Weapon deals 1d8 damage: average bonus damage is 1.3125
Weapon deals 1d10 damage: average bonus damage is 1.65
Weapon deals 1d12 damage: average bonus damage is 1.9861...
Weapon deals 2d6 damage: average bonus damage is 1.94...
For example, the Halberd of Vigilance (d10 slashing damage and d4 force damage) which was dipped in fire (d4 fire damage) will, on average, do 1.65 + 0.625 +0.625 = 2.9 more damage with Savage Attacker.