Goodberry is a Level 1 Transmutation Spell. This spell allows spellcasters to create magical berries which have healing properties when eaten.
File:Goodberry Icon 2.png "Conjure four magical berries for yourself or a companion. Creature who eat a berry regain 1d4 hit points . The berries appear in the targeted creature's inventory and disappear after a Long Rest ." Action Level 1 Spell Slot Heal 1d4 (per Goodberry) Range Self School Transmutation Concentration None Class Druid , Ranger
Conjure four magical berries for yourself or a companion. Creature who eat a berry regain 1d4 hit points
The berries appear in the targeted creature's inventory and disappear after a Long Rest .
Action + Level 1 Spell Slot
Available to level 1 Druid and level 2 Ranger .
Healing: 1d4 (1~4) per berry Hit Points
Range: 1.5m / 5ft