Template:Equipment page
WORK IN PROGRESS - DO NOT USE. This template generates entire pages for individual pieces of equipment in the game, such as Studded Leather Armor +1 or Amulet of Misty Step.
Following is an example of usage with all possible template parameters shown. This describes a made-up uncommon Light Armor with a +1 enchantment and a special property.
If you're ever unsure what to type, simply leave the parameter empty.
{{EquipmentPage | <!-- See here for tips on how to use this template: https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Template:EquipmentPage --> | image = Light Armor PlusOne Icon.png | description = '''{{{PAGENAME}}}''' is an uncommon [[Light Armor]]. <!-- This is the first text that will appear on the page. *Briefly* describe what the item is, and what makes it noteworthy. --> | quote = The in-game flavor text in the item's tooltip. | category = Armor <!-- Equipment category. Choose one of: Amulets, Armor, Belts, Boots, Cloaks, Gloves, Helmets, Rings, Shields (use these exact capitalizations and singulars/plurals). --> | armortype = Light <!-- Leave EMPTY for all categories except Armor. For Armor, choose from: Clothing, Light, Medium, Heavy --> | rarity = <!-- Leave EMPTY for common, otherwise: uncommon, rare, veryrare, legendary --> | enchantment = <!-- Leave EMPTY for none, otherwise: +1, +2, +3, +4, +5 --> | <!-- Following are yes/no properties, which MUST BE EMPTY if you mean "no"! Never actually type "no"! --> | weight kg = 1.35 | weight lb = 2.7 | price = 75 | special = <!-- List of special features or abilities granted by the item. --> * '''Super Cool Ability:''' Once per [[Long Rest]] you can use this awesome ability of this weapon. | where to find = <!-- Describe where and how to obtain the item. --> This is a made-up piece of equipment. You cannot obtain it anywhere in the game. }}
See here for the result of the above: Template:EquipmentPage/Example
Note that the template even adds the page to the correct categories. And for the same reason, it shouldn't be invoked here for the purpose of showing how the results look; that would result in this template page being added to the categories to which equipment pages are added.