Template:Weapon page/SeoDescription

From bg3.wiki
Revision as of 20:35, 6 February 2023 by Taylan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<includeonly><!-- HERE BE DRAGONS! The following monstrosity will auto-generate a nice, sensible introduction paragraph for ''any'' combination of parameters. So, technically, you never have to provide descriptions for weapons, but for those with unique specialties you might want to do so anyway. --> {{#if: {{{enchantment|}}} {{{rarity|}}} {{{special|}}} || The common }} {{PAGENAME}} is {{#if: {{{enchantment|}}} {{{rarity|}}} {{{special|}}} | {{#if: {{{rarity|}}}...")
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This was factored out from Template:WeaponPage so it can be used both for the first few sentences of the auto-generated description, and double as the contents of the description meta tag set via WikiSeo.


| category = martial
| melee or ranged = melee
| handedness = versatile
| type = Longswords
| rarity =
| enchantment =
| special =

