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Sceleritas Fel

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Sceleritas Fel
Level 12












  Race [[Butler of Bhaal|Butler of Bhaal]]
  Type Fiend
  HP 208
  AC 11
  Movement Speed 9m / 30 ft
  Size Small
  Weight 15kg / 30 lbs
  Initiative +1
Passive features
Resistant to Non-Magical SlashingResistant to Non-Magical PiercingResistant to Non-Magical BludgeoningImmune to all FireResistant to all ColdImmune to all Poison
Character information
Location Camp, Temple of Bhaal
Allies The Dark Urge, Bhaal, Sarevok Anchev
Enemies Orin the Red

Sceleritas Fel is an NPC in Baldur's Gate 3 integral to the Dark Urge's past. While he himself encourages his master towards evil, the Dark Urge can be resisted. He only appears within a Dark Urge playthrough, or if The Dark Urge is within a Multiplayer party.

Milord? Jubilant day! I have found your vile self at last! Sceleritas Fel. Your loyal and ever-adoring butler.
Sceleritas Fel introducing himself to The Dark Urge.

Act One

During The Urge, the player will suddenly find that they have murdered Alfira (Or Quil, a Dragonborn Bard, if Alfira is unavailable). Whether they embrace this murder or not, Sceleritas Fel will reveal themselves as their humble butler, giving small hints as to what kind of person the Dark Urge may have been. He actively encourages the Dark Urge to commit more deplorable acts of murder, claiming they should "Be true to yourself, my Lord." He will gift the player with The Deathstalker Mantle as a reward for murdering the Bard, and will leave them to their business.

Act Two

Sceleritas will appear again while in the Shadow-Cursed Lands, this time with a new task. He insists for the player to kill Isobel, and by extension, cause the deaths of everyone within the Last Light Inn. If he is refused, he will appear once more to inform the player that they will attempt to kill either their closest companion, or their lover, because they did not sate their urge, and will in fact encourage it in hopes to get The Dark Urge back into the good graces of "Father." He will express great disappointment if they try to resist.

If the player kills Isobel, Sceleritas will visit them and bestow upon them the Slayer form, a powerful ability allowing the Dark Urge to take on the form of a monstrous, giant being with four arms, razor claws, and terrifying mandibles - an ability only given to the favored of Bhaal.

Act Three

Sceleritas Fel appears again within the Temple of Bhaal to welcome the player "Home." He is aware of the duel between the player and Orin, and will personally open the door for them. It is clear that he and Orin are not allies, as Orin kills him frequently, up to three times a day, and Sceleritas would much prefer being killed by the player. Once Orin has been defeated, several blades will appear from his body, seeming to stab through him. Within the reflection of his blood is the Avatar of Bhaal, who appears identical to Sceleritas, albeit with glowing red eyes, and a deep, imposing voice. The Avatar will offer the Dark Urge to become their Chosen, whether they have been resisting or indulging their urge up to this point.

Should the player accept, the Avatar will grant the player the Slayer form if they did not previously have it, along with one use of Power Word : Kill and will allow for the player to pursue controlling the Absolute in the name of Bhaal.

Should the player refuse, the Avatar will drain the essence of Bhaal from the Dark Urge, killing them, before they are ultimately resurrected by Withers, free of the Dark Urge forever, ending The Urge.


  • Sceleritas usually cannot be fought in combat. If the player progresses past the point of no return in Act Two without satisfying The Urge, Sceleritas will wait in ambush outside Moonrise Towers to force the issue. If the player approaches stealthily with an ability to see Invisible creatures, it is possible to attack and kill Sceleritas in a single turn. However, he still turns up at the next Long Rest, unscathed and without mention of the incident.


External links
