On "Need verification:
We joined the Zhentarim. Zarys needs us to bring the shipment to Baldur's Gate. Rugan lost the chest. He's tied to the chair in the hideout, under torture by Zarys, who asks the player to kill Rugan and bring the chest to Baldur's Gate":
This happened in my playthrough when I persuaded Rugan we should keep the chest and split the profits. Whoops. Haven't gotten to the Act 3 part of the quest to see what happens there.
Quest Reward Under Certain Circumstances[edit]
In the case that Rugan is intimidated or persuaded into giving you the chest and if the chest is brought unopened to the Zhentarim Hideout, the dialogue with Zarys will proceed and the quest will complete as normal. However, while Brem will still show you his special stock after, Harold will not be received.
If you intimidate Rugan into giving you the chest, you do NOT get reward from Zarys later.[edit]
If you intimidate Rugan when you first meet him, and he gives you the chest, later when you meet Zarys (with the chest intact) she will NOT reward you. NO crossbow. She just asks you to deliver the chest to BG.