Perform 'The Queen's High Seas' is a free action that allows the user to play the song 'The Queen's High Seas' using their equipped Instrument.
Play a jaunty sea shanty to rouse and excite those around you.
- Details:
- Range: Self
Condition: Performing 'The Queen's High Seas'
- Playing a tune. Perform the same song nearby to join in.
Condition: Poor Performance
- Maybe you'd better stop, before anyone starts throwing rocks.
How to learn
- If the performer has Music Instrument proficiency, they will perform the song. The performer will make a Charisma Performance check. If this check is succeeded any characters who gathered to hear the performance will toss a gold coin when it ends.
- If the performer does not have Music Instrument proficiency, they will receive the 'Poor Performance' condition instead.
- This song is a reference to the Divinity series, a franchise by Larian Studios.