Latest comment: 4 October 2023 by Sky in topic You gain bite
Scratch and Shovel[edit]
Scratch and Shovel can also be summoned with variants of this spell - Find Familiar: Scratch (which is implemented as an ability) and Find Familiar: Cheeky Quasit which is a normal spell that can be learned from the Scroll of Summon Quasit.
Should these be included on this page, or implemented separately. - Harakoni (talk) 04:37, 24 August 2023 (CEST)
Quasit Scare[edit]
The Scare ability has the same tooltip as Invisibility on the Quasit Familiar.
Short rest to recast[edit]
Short rest to recast
You gain bite[edit]
"Any character with Scratch's Ball can summon Scratch, and you gain Bite" Does ... the summoner of scratch... gain Bite?? - Sky (talk) 22:55, 4 October 2023 (CEST)