Not to be confused with Corliss Undertump
True Soul Korliss is a deceased half-elven member of the Cult of the Absolute and True Soul. Her body can be found in the Ruined Battlefield in the area with the lit torches.
At some point before the party's arrival, Korliss was indoctrinated into the Cult of the Absolute and made a True Soul. Charged by Ketheric Thorm with the mission to scout out and locate a nest of non-believers[2], she set out east from Moonrise Towers to the ruins of the village by the Ruined Battlefield, where she was stalked by the shadows and attempted to evade them, though she still ultimately perished later.
on her reveals she was attacked by Shadow Mastiffs but managed to repel them by lighting torches with the Continual Flame spell. Unfortunately, with her protected area surrounded by Shadow Mastiffs, she was unable to leave her safety cordon and would soon die of hunger and thirst before being able to accomplish her mission.The party can then destroy the torches which will trigger an attack by three Shadow Mastiffs led by a Shadow Mastiff Alpha.
Related literature[edit]
Speak with Dead[edit]
Party member: Who were you in life?
- True Soul Korliss: True Soul of the Absolute... Korliss by name...
Party member: What is your profession?
- True Soul Korliss: Wizard... General Thorm's favoured...
- Party member: How do I destroy Ketheric Thorm?
- True Soul Korliss: Ketheric Thorm... is unequalled... eternal...
- Party member: How do I destroy Ketheric Thorm?
Party member: How did you end up here?
- True Soul Korliss: Trapped... shadow mastiffs... repelled them with flame...
- Party member: How are the torches still burning?
- True Soul Korliss: Spell... Continual Flame...
- Party member: How can I extinguish the torch flames?
- True Soul Korliss: Destroy torches...
- Party member: How can I extinguish the torch flames?
- True Soul Korliss: Spell... Continual Flame...
- Party member: How are the torches still burning?
Party member: How did you die?
- True Soul Korliss: Unslaked hunger... unquenched thirst...
Notes and references[edit]
- ↑ Korliss' Fighter. dialogue has her say that she is a wizard, though her in-game stat block and passives are that of a generic
- ↑ The Absolute non-believers that Korliss was charged to find are most likely the Harpers of Last Light Inn.
External links[edit]
- Korliss on the Forgotten Realms Wiki