Gnomes are a playable race in Baldur's Gate 3 .
Small, clever, and energetic, gnomes use their long lives to explore Faerûn's brightest corners and darkest depths.
Racial features
Rock gnomes
Default rock gnome appearances
The most commonly seen gnome on Faerûn's surface, Rock Gnomes are named as such for their hardiness and affinity to metal.
— Rock gnomes description.
Subrace features
Forest gnomes
Default forest gnome appearances
Even smaller than their cousins and twice as reclusive, Forest Gnomes are rare sight in Faerûn . They master magic and craftmanship in their distant, idyllic groves.
— Forest Gnomes' racial description.
Subrace features
Deep gnomes
Default deep gnome appearances
More guarded than their surface cousins, Deep Gnomes survive in the Underdark with darkvision and skillful stealth.
— Deep gnomes description.
Subrace features
Notable gnomes See also External links