Tutorials for BG3 Modding encompass a few categories that we are trying to put together by their category.
- BG3 Community Library
- To quote the page "The Community Library is a collaborative effort among members of the modding community to create a common collection of Spells, Scripts, Items, Races, Passives, and more, with the goal of assisting modders in creating new content and keeping their content compatible with similar mods."
- Sample Templates - Sample templates for several types of mods that should help alongside the below listed tutorials.
General Tutorials
General tutorials for modding BG3, or tutorials that encompass multiple categories.
- Unpacking and Converting Files
- This page goes through the process of unpacking the game files and converting them for you to use in your mods.
- Understanding Mod Folder Structure
- before going into making pak mods it is good to know how their structure works.
- Working with LSX files ( example with Progressions.lsx )
- a good guide to get use to the setup of the lsx files the game uses.
- Creating your Meta.lsx by Padme4000
- This tutorial goes through the process of making your meta.lsx which pak mods use to tell the game their name, their identifier and what version of the mod it is. For mod managers these allow you to move the mod around in the load order. Generally most mods will need one to be able to be installed and work.
- Dependencies
- This is only really required if you need to reference assets in another mod, or when you have trouble loading in a vanilla asset.
- Hotloading
- This is really good to know whether you can hotload to check edits to your mod while the game is still running.
- Packaging Mods for install
- When your mod is ready to go you will want to pack your mod ready for you and your users to install it.
Mesh Related:
- Install GR2 plugin then Import and Export example
- this tutorial shows how to setup blender to be able to import assets. The example does show importing a head mesh but is the steps used to import any mesh into blender.
Other Tutorials: Ones that don't currently fit a specific category yet or encompass several.
Character Creation Tutorials
Character creation tutorials is in reference to tutorials that touch on things that edit things to do with characters. Either Tavs or NPCs
Creating Hair Mods
- Visualizing a BG3 Hair Texture in Blender by EmeraldTechno
- Creating Hairs Post Patch 9
- Joining Different Meshes Into One
- Custom Hair Highlight/Ombre
Adding your hair as a new asset to the game
Once you have your meshes setup these guides will help you add it to the game as a new asset.
- Hair Thinning Begone by mocia
- Adding Custom/Edited Hairs to Character Creation as new assets not replacements by Padme4000
- Add your custom hair to BG3 in 10 minutes or less by EmeraldTechno
Creating Head Mods
- Fixing neck seams
- Fixing UV errors
- Fixing bone errors
- Head Conversion
- Making a custom skeleton for your head by Jerinski
- Editing Head Meshes
- A video tutorial on editing Ears, Neck, Teeth, Forehead, Scalp on Head Meshes
- Editing Head Meshes
Tav Specific Character Creation Tutorials
- Adding New Colours to Character Creation by Padme4000
Creating Mods for Armour/Outfit
- Making Custom Armor - Part 1 by Druundev
- Making Custom Armor - Part 2 by Druundev
- Tiefling Horn Replacement Tips by Nathahniel
- Custom Dye Mod Guide by AstralSprout
- A guide on how to make custom Dyes
Adding your new asset to the game
Learning Blender
These tutorials are not directly BG3-related, but are a great stepping stone into using Blender and working with meshes.
- Donut Tutorial (Blender 3.0) by Blender Guru
- Donut Tutorial (Blender 4.0) by Blender Guru
- Learn Shape Keys In Under 5 Mins by PIXXO 3D
- Fix your SHAPE KEYS! - Blender 2.8 tutorial by Danny Mac 3D
Texture-Related Tutorials
Texturing is usually applied on top of a mesh to make it appear a certain way.
VFX-Related Tutorials
Visual Effects-related tutorials.
Creating Custom Visual Effects in-depth guide by ImmortalRDI