{{RarityItem|Potion of Supreme Healing}} |
Potion of Supreme Healing |
{{RarityItem|Potion of Supreme Healing|40}} |
Potion of Supreme Healing |
{{RarityItem|Potion of Supreme Healing|alias=Supremey Boi}} |
Supremey Boi |
See Template:ItemIcon/Family for more variations of ItemIcon.
Inserts an item's icon, rarity colours, and name into a page. Specialization of Template:ItemIcon.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
1 | 1 | The name of the item | Page name | required |
2 | 2 | (optional) Size of the item's icon. Default 25 | Number | optional |
alias | alias | (optional) If specified, renames link text to this. | Unknown | optional |
override_icon | override_icon | If specified, overrides the icon. | Unknown | optional |
override_rarity | override_rarity | If specified along with override_icon, sets the rarity. | Unknown | optional |