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Haskinn Xhesilaphin
Haskinn Xhesilaphin is a prolific Dragonborn author in Baldur's Gate 3. In his teenage years he was descaled, and he turned to alchemy to attempt to restore and soothe his hide. He decided to share his alchemical research and notes, and helped bring Alchemy to the masses.[1]
Haskinn Xhesilaphin was descaled as a teenager. The descaling was painful, and He decided to publish his notes and research after an encounter with a poisoned child [2] in the Elfsong Tavern. He was convinced to publish his poison recipes by Nikros. [3]
Published Works
The Basics of Alchemy
- Extracts - The Rule of Three, Introduction & Foreword
- On Antidotes, Part 2
- Avernus Survival Guide, Part 5
- On Weapon Coatings, Part 10
- On Serpent Venom Toxin, Part 13
- Fiendish Alchemy, Part 14
- Potion of Healing Recipe, Unknown, possibly with notes by another writer
- Simple Poison Recipe, Unknown
- Barkskin Recipe, Unknown
- ↑ Extracts - The Rule of Three — Haskinn Xhesilaphin (foreword by Adynn Ilvar)
- ↑ On Antidotes — Haskinn Xhesilaphin
- ↑ Simple Poison Recipe — Haskinn Xhesilaphin