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The Jolty Vest

Revision as of 22:08, 30 August 2023 by Majesstic (talk | contribs) (correct rarity in description)
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The Jolty Vest image

The Jolty Vest is a Rare Medium Armour that shocks enemies who land attacks on the wearer while they have Lightning Charges.

Yrre the Sparkstruck got their nickname for both their obsession with lightning and the inventions they created, which had the habit of electrocuting both Yrre and any poor observers that got too close.



The wearer of this item gains:

  • Superior Material: You take 1 less Damage TypesSlashing damage.
  • Countershock: When the wearer takes damage while having Lightning Charges, the attacker must succeed a Dexterity Saving Throw or become Shocked Shocked.
    • Important Note: This effect only occurs when taking damage in melee.

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