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Dispatches Ledger

Dispatches Ledger contains information about the latest dispatches of couriers from Sword Coast Couriers.

This book is redolent with the enticing smell of paper and ink.
- Rarity: Common
- Weight: 0.5 kg / 1 lb
- Price: 14 gp
Where to find
- Sword Coast Couriers X: 15 Y: 10
[A log of dispatched passages, turned to the most recent page]
Packages Sent
Pigeon acquisition request - Bloomridge Park
Posthouse apology missives - Nit, Frigglebottom, Carrion, Vanthampur
Baldur's Mouth Gazettes - Outer City Circulation (note, chase up Estra for promised personal interview - D)
Frontline war report - Duke Ravengard
Component pouches - Sorcerous Sundries
Refugee letters - Rector Yannis, Open Hand Temple