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A Warning to the Sword Coast

Revision as of 22:49, 11 December 2023 by SmolPetra (talk | contribs) (desc)
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A Warning to the Sword Coast is an anti-tiefling flyer printed on cheap paper.

An anti-tiefling screed printed on the cheapest paper, it doesn't seem to have been widely read.


  • Notes
  • Rarity: Common
  •  Weight: 0.05 kg / 0.1 lb
  • Price: 14 gp


People of the Sword Coast! Look around you. What do you see? A collection of Gods-fearing humans, elves and dwarves; or an infernal corruption of that divine image?

Tieflings, wearing their devilish heritage for all to see, walk among us as if they didn't owe their existence (and allegiance) to the Lords below. These Hells-touched peoples have infiltrated our cities, our organisations, even our families!

They can claim to be 'good' all they wish. Would you believe the tiger who looks at you with dripping fangs if he said he ate nothing but vegetables? No, we can see their true nature, plain as day.

But they are not the only evil infiltrating our world. All aorund, I see drow, duergar, and other creatures of the Underdark strive for acceptance. But why should you accept them, when their brothers raid our countryside and steal our children?

Obviously I am not saying they should be cast out. Obviously I am not saying we should return these delinquents to the Underdark and drive the Tieflings back to the Hells they came from. But be wary of these people, my friends.

Be suspicious when you see them, and especially suspicious when you do not.